My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Who we are?

I meet every other week with a great bunch of gals from discuss Christianity, God, Jesus, life...I love it...I feel purposeful and it makes me dig really deep...

We are at the point in our study where some BIG questions are popping up...They ask the greatest questions and I feel so unworthy and so inept at answering them...Some of them have been pretty scarred by other church goers, proclaiming Christians and I think the one thing I want them to realize is it isn't about the people around you when it comes to making a decision to follow kind of have to put on blinders and dig deep...allowing Him to rescue you.  It is between you and God!  THEN you can absorb God's word and attempt to do as he leads us to...I think so many people have been burned by someone or don't feel like they belong, think Christianity has to look a certain way, works works but when Jesus died on the cross it was finished...!  If we accept it and ask for forgiveness that part is done!  You are then in the hands of God and he will never let you go!  Then may we live like the following...I read this in another blog and liked it.  I told them this week...once YOU make a decision, then you can be what God wants you to be, you don't have to follow so and so's example bad or good...the Bible tells us what to do.  We studied the credibility of the Bible this week and it was amazing!  The history was intriguing and I enjoyed learning some "evidence" myself.  These women are so brave to come sit and listen to me in a public restaurant each week...I even make them pray in public :)  But they come back each time because the Holy Spirit is calling them there...and I've told them that!  It is truly amazing...and we really shouldn't expect anything less...God is so amazing!

We would all do well to remember God’s command to love. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and absorb it until it becomes part of who you are. Don’t attempt to teach anyone anything without keeping in mind the royal law (James 2:8). Let us speak the truth, teach God’s Word, preach against sin, encourage the brethren, reach out to the lost, care for the orphan and widow, heal the sick, and feed the poor…in love. Let us do it all in love.

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