My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, April 25, 2011


It was a great Easter...we kind of felt like we were being catapulted back into reality and I can't even believe I found every one's shoes and clothes for Sunday but we did it! Resurrection Sunday was a Blessing...complete with the Hallelujah Chorus and flowers on the cross!  We then traveled to Thomasville and hung out with John's family and friends.  We ate and had a big Easter egg is tradition at his Grandmother's house!  We all then fell fast asleep until about 6:30 when John had to leave for work!  I love Easter but truly I want us all to remember that he died for us, took all our sin, acted in perfect obedience, and rose again... EVERYDAY!  Easter can be celebrated everyday...the days that we have really messed up, the days that we have yelled at the kids, fought with our spouse, been poor stewards or on the other hand had a great day, been blessed beyond belief, etc...He is ALIVE and it needs to be remembered EVERYDAY!

Our Easter baskets always include a new bathing suit!  What can I say, our Easter Bunny is practical!

Molly's first Mr. Potato Head...

They posed perfect for me!  Yay for cooperative kids!

She kept posing in front of the cross and saying cheese!

Mr. Dawson telling the kids the Easter Story around the baptistry.

Children's Easter Mission Project...all the church kids donated baby items for baskets for preemies at the Ronald Mcdonald House.  They made over 11 baskets to take to the house for new mommies and daddies!

John Daniel won the prize for most eggs found!

trying to convince her Daddy to open more candy!

sweet Grandma!

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