My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, May 22, 2009

Comparisons and the latest on Molly

Molly 2 months
Molly 2 months

Emily 2 months

John Daniel 2 months

John Daniel 2 months

Emily 2 months

Molly 2 months

John Daniel 2 months

Emily 2 months
Who's Who?? Could you tell without looking at the label? Yesterday was Molly's 2 month old check up and I decided to compare her weight now with what the other two kids weighed at 2 months. Then I thought it would be fun to post some pics of them all at two months. Molly got her first shots yesterday:( The doctor said she is a healthy girl! She is now really holding her head up on her own. She really likes to be up and looking around. She does lots of tummy time and actually likes being on her tummy better than being on her back. She loves the swing but hates her car seat. She likes the peanut shell that mommy wears but does not like to be swaddled in a blanket. She nurses great and takes a bottle from daddy when I am at work. She is a pretty predictable baby. I haven't figured out yet if that is because she is my third or if she is just an easy going baby. She only cries if she wants to do something different, eat, or sleep. She works up to a cry, you can tell it is coming b/c she gets a frowny face and makes grunting/coughing type noises. Then she lets out the big one and boy is she loud...she screams! She is very easy to soothe though. She is smiling now and coos when you talk to her. She loves the bath. She notices her brother and sister and likes it when they talk to her. She is sleeping approx 6 hours at night now on a good night. We are in a rhythm and I can pretty much predict our day and plan things accordingly.
Here are the stats:
Molly at 2 months: Weight--11 lbs 3 oz Height--22 inches (birth wt 6 lbs 13 oz)
Emily at 2 months: Weight--12 lbs 6 oz Height--22 1/4 inches (birth wt 7 lbs)
J.D. at 2 months: Weight--13 lbs 7 oz Height--23 3/4 inches (birth wt 8 lbs 10 oz)

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