My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Dentist, Ms. Heather, and 6 month check up!

All of the above happen in the span of a three hours for me this morning. What a busy start to the day we had. John got off work at 7 am and went to his dentist appt at 8 am. I dropped Emily off at school at 8 am (had already packed two lunches, done our quiet time, everyone was dressed, I was showered and dressed, shoes on, molly nursed), went and got me a coffee!!!, dropped John Daniel off at my friend Stephanie's house who lives about 5 minutes from me so she could take J.D. to school and met Ms Heather at the Circle K on Thomasville road all by 8:45! Ms. Heather then followed me to my dentist office so she could watch Molly for me while I got my teeth cleaned. I had already cancelled this appt once and it is a pain to get a time that works for all involved so I did all that just to go get my teeth cleaned. I passed John in the dentist hallway as he was leaving! Heather took Molly on a stroller ride around the complex and sat with her in the waiting room. When I was done, Molly and I went straight to her 6 month check up with Dr. Elzie. By the way, I love Ms Heather! She is so awesome and I secretly wish she was not getting married and moving to Montana in February! She has been babysitting for us since Emily was a tiny baby and I trust her so much. She is so easy going and my kids love her! I knew she would be fine to come to the dentist with me...she totally understood my reasoning and all the timing worked out perfectly! I am going to miss her dearly! I am using her as much as possible right now while she is still in town.

Molly got 4 shots :( but is growing like a weed and very healthy! She weighs 15 lbs 15 oz. I haven't started feeding her yet. I don't really know why. She is physically ready. She grabs at food, stares at it, even cries for it sometimes. I think I am simply just having a hard time with her growing up! She is sitting on her own really good now and yesterday tried pulling up on John when he was lying on the ground next to her. She is certainly trying to grow up fast and I am tyring to hold her down!!!

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