My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm losing my mind!

In a matter of one week I have forgotten three appointments. The first one was a meeting with one of our pastor's wives at church to talk about missions for our little ones at church...I stood her up at Starbucks one morning. She told me it was totally fine and we rescheduled but I don't think I have ever just totally forgotten about a person like that. I blamed it on the kids being sick and my schedule being off. Well, it happen again yesterday...I forgot about an appointment I had at work with the infectious disease nurse to get my flu shot...totally missed the time! I didn't remember until my boss called and said that Nathalie was looking for me at CHP. Then, today I forgot it was picture day at John Daniel's school and sent him in clothes that he picked out himself! Oh well. I just don't do stuff like this!!! The crazy thing is...every single appointment was written down in my planner that I take everywhere with me and look at numerous times a day. I pride myself of having it all planned out, being on time, and being very orgainized. Even John noticed and said, "Wow, what's up with you?" I have no idea...OLD AGE MAYBE :)

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