My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

At Home

We have been home now for three days and life has changed considerably as you might imagine! Molly is a blessing and a joy and I forgot how much babies really do sleep early on like this! Since getting home from the hospital we have tried to mesh our routine with our new baby. Thank God for John and his paternity leave! He is pretty much doing everything for the big kids and I am maintaining Molly and myself. John's grandfather died the evening that I got home from the hospital so that has added another factor into our first days at home. John has been back and forth to Thomasville several times and today went to the funeral. My parents have been here on and off helping and going to get things for us and taking me to my doctors appts if John could not. I also have been a little caught off guard in the fact that I felt great at the hospital and then at home have felt a little "off". Can't quite put my finger on it, but I have had some back pain (which has subsided now), some nausea (no not nausea!!!!! still!!!!), no appetite, and just a bla feeling. John keeps telling me that this is not going to be like my other deliveries and the recovery process is going to be different and my body is just trying to regulate all the hormones etc. Anyways, I haven't been the super mom that I thought I would be once I got this baby out of me......but have felt better today! Maybe feeling better today has something to do with getting 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. My girl slept from 11:30ish until 4 am. I had to wake her to get her to eat. I have had a terrible time with my milk coming in and being really engorged. Nursing hasn't been pleasant so far but I know it will get better! My body seems to overdue everything in the pregnancy category. I seem to make enough milk to feed twins. It has been quite painful but also seems better today! I have had to pump and then feed her to get relief. Today was Molly's first doctor's appt and she already surpassed her birth weight by one ounce and she is only 6 days old. The nurses and doctor went nutso and were so excited, I guess this doesn't happen as often as I would have thought.....she is certainly an eater! They said she looked great and that is worth the pain of nursing in the beginning! So for now we are getting into a routine, the kids fight over who gets to hold her and she is noticing them a lot more which is so sweet. Emily is quite the pro and is such a little mommy. She would sit for hours and hold her and Molly falls right to sleep in her lap. John Daniel likes holding her too but he hold her for 5 minutes or so and then says, "I'm done". He also is funny asking about her. He comes home from school and says, "where's that baby?" It is fun having older kids around...I love seeing it through their eyes. They ask so many questions. John Daniel and Emily both helped give her her first sponge bath which was hilarious and quite the undertaking! Molly was good and didn't even cry even with all the chaos around her. John Daniel gently washed her head and Emily did her arms and belly and legs. It was very cute! They love to even help change the diapers. John of course has been awesome as he always has been with babies. He is the best baby burper ever! He has been very attentive despite the loss of his grandfather and wanting to get more home improvements done. We will see what the days ahead bring.....I'm sure lots!

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