My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, May 20, 2010


John Daniel had his friend, Cooper, over to play last week.  I think Cooper was John Daniel's first real friend.  Cooper is almost exactly one year younger but they have a blast together.  Ann, Cooper's mom, is one of my best friends so this works out in our best interest as well!  Cooper was here for about 2 hours and in that time they caught a toad, put the toad in a bug box, played in the sand box, put all the matchbox cars in the sandbox, washed the matchbox cars off with the hose, got soaking wet, watched a movie, and ate tortilla chips on the couch!  Boys are so fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love boys! And I am glad that Coop and JD are the best of friends.
