My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Friday, May 21, 2010


I didn't know this about myself or know that manners and being polite would be so important to me but it is...I really work with Emily and John Daniel on this.  Rude children and adults for that matter, are such a turn off.  Emily, who is very shy, has a hard time saying hello to others or greeting people and we have to prep her before church, an event, etc to let her know we are watchng.  In the morning at drop off, the parent usually greets her with a "hello" and I want her to say "good morning" back.  I will brag on her for a moment though and say her behavior at school and when she is not with us is wonderful.  I had a parent teacher conference this week and she is one of two kids in her class that has never had a "mark" removed.  She gets excellent grades in behavior which is very important to John and I. 

Last week at church, I realized why manners, kindness, and good behavior means so much to me....its because it means a lot to my mom!  She is a very polite person...she makes everyone around her feel welcome, she greets others, makes people feel special...she will talk to someone FOREVER.  The parents of her students adore her.  One of John's coworkers and his wife and little girl were at church visiting a couple of weeks ago and my mother went out of her way to greet them, make small talk, talk about their pretty little girl, and make them feel special.  She really does have a way with this....I can sometimes be in a hurry, thinking about myself, and forget that you never know what another person is going through or needs.  I really do admire this about my mother although I don't appreciate it at times and get frustrated at her talking at times.  I have become jealous or agitated in the past when she is out with us because she would start talking to someone else and I felt ignored but I realized as she was going out of her way in speaking to Larry and Leslie that she just wanted them to feel special and I really admired it! 

She also taught me about how to have manners no matter what....I have written thank you notes my entire life for every special occasion.  She always prepped us before a party and told us to say thank you and always act excited about a gift even if you already had the same thing at home.  I remember her pulling us aside telling us to go say thank you or please or giving us cues in certain situations.  I find myself doing the same thing with my kids.  Tonight John Daniel and Emily were at a party and the host was serving pizza for dinner...well we had had pizza for lunch without I took them aside and told them to eat a little and if they didn't want it, not to say anything negative because it was nice of the host to serve us dinner and that I would fix them some fruit when we got home but they didn't need to say anything except thank you.  They understood and did as I said....

Thanks mom for teaching me manners.  I appreciate your politeness even if I don't show it! 

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