My Favorite Four Plus One!

My heart belongs to these beautiful people~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

sigh of relief....truth be told...

I have posted before about a blog I found/recommended to me...The Pioneer Woman.  She simply seems goer, homeschools 4 kids, her and her husband run a ranch, she blogs all day long about her delicious recipes, has a published cook book, is remodeling a house to be a lodge on their property, takes amazing photographs, seems to really be in love with her husband etc is actually kind of depressing...I mean how does she get it all done!  Well my good friend Phebe fell in love with her as well but Phebe didn't stop at her blog...she researched she does most things and found out the truth!!!!!!  We laughed at work that the Pioneer Woman was probably some 50 year old man writing this blog that makes it all up....that is not the case but there is a story.....

Basically, Pioneer Woman and her hunky husband Marlboro Man are millionaires!!!!  The Drummond family is in the top 100 land owning families in the United States, they practically own the entire County in Oklahoma that they live in....they have thousands and thousands of mama cows and more baby cows.....they and Marlboro Man's brother are BIG BUSINESS!  The ranch was passed down three generations...their father apparently sold sum odd acres several years ago for 4 million dollars!!!!  They have top of the line equipment, ranch hands, and are WELL KNOWN!  Now Pioneer woman still says she doesn't have a housekeeper and I actually believe that she herself does homeschool her children but now I know that it isn't like she is some super woman with a budget to keep, bills to pay, and stuff breaking in the house while she is trying to homeschool, cook, and manage a ranch with her husband....I still love her though...she seems cool but I guess she has found something (the blog, cookbook, her stories) that have made her famous and are now also making her money.  Good for her and Good for me!  Her recipes are super yummy!

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